Gregory Hypnotherapy

Over 55 years experience

Gregory Business Training Marketing

Gregory Business Training

Hypnotherapy Training Developing Business Marketing

This page is to explain three things:
  • What sort of training we offer.
  • What this means for you.
  • How to SAVE yourself up to $20,000 in money and time 
  • How you can obtain this training.

But first let's look at the current situation and what you would normally have to do and SPEND. 

At present, to effectively market their therapy business, therapists typically focus on several key aspects.

As a Consultant, Therapist or Councellor of any kind, you may need help to structure the business side, build your brand, marketing, manage promotion, acquisition of Clients and every aspect of growing your Client base successfully.

Typical Costs for doing that in RED 

The COST of training in each of these areas can vary depending on the specific program or course. We show here some current cost estimates of different providers we have researched.

Target Audience: Therapists first identify their target audience or niche market. This involves determining the specific population or individuals they aim to serve, such as couples, children, adolescents, or individuals dealing with specific issues like anxiety, depression, or trauma. Specialized training can be available through professional associations or online courses, which typically cost between $100 and $500. 

Unique Value Proposition: Therapists need to articulate their unique value proposition or what sets them apart from other therapists. This could include their specialised training, approach, expertise, or a particular modality they specialise in (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based therapy). Cost between $500 and $1,000 per hour. There are also some online courses available between $100 and $500.

Branding: Developing a strong and consistent brand is crucial. This includes creating a compelling brand name, logo, website, and other marketing materials that reflect the therapist's identity, values, and target audience. For example, creating a new logo and website can cost between $500 and $5,000. 

Online Presence: Establishing an online presence is essential in today's digital age. Therapists can create a professional website that provides information about their services, expertise, and contact details. Additionally, they may utilise social media platforms to engage with their audience, share helpful resources, and promote their practice. Creating a professional website can cost between $500 and $10,000. 

Content Marketing: Sharing valuable content through various channels can help therapists demonstrate their expertise and build trust with potential clients. They can write informative blog posts, create educational videos, or host podcasts on mental health topics relevant to their target audience. Hiring a professional writer to create high-quality content can cost between $50 and $200 per post.

Networking and Referrals: Building relationships with other professionals in the mental health field, such as physicians, psychiatrists, or social workers, can lead to valuable referrals. Therapists may also join local or online professional networks, attend conferences, or participate in community events to expand their network and increase visibility. Specialised training or coaching can be available through professional associations, which typically cost between $100 and $500. 

Online Directories: Listing their practice in online directories specific to mental health services, such as Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, or TherapyTribe, can increase visibility and attract potential clients who are actively seeking therapy. Often free, however, some directories charge a fee for premium listings or featured placement up to $1,000 per listing. 

Client Testimonials and Reviews: Positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients can be powerful marketing tools. Therapists can request feedback from their clients and, with their permission, showcase these testimonials on their website or other marketing materials. Obtaining them is usually free.

Collaborations and Partnerships: Therapists can explore collaborations with complementary professionals or organisations to expand their reach. This could involve partnering with wellness centres, yoga studios, or businesses that focus on holistic health and well-being. Could cost between $500 and $1,000 per month. 

Community Engagement: Active involvement in the local community can help therapists establish trust and credibility. They can offer workshops, seminars, or support groups, write articles for local publications, or provide interviews for local media outlets. Many free or low-cost ways of doing this but it still takes time. Time is money too.

Professional Associations and Certifications: Being affiliated with reputable professional associations and obtaining relevant certifications can enhance a therapist's credibility. Displaying these affiliations and certifications on their website or marketing materials can inspire confidence in potential clients. Costs range between $150 and $500 per year. 

Adapting to Digital Platforms: Therapists should be mindful of the evolving digital landscape and explore opportunities to leverage new platforms or technologies. For example, offering online services through video conferencing can expand their reach and provide greater accessibility to clients. Can cost between $50 and $200 per month. 

Overall, the cost of training and learning how to market a therapy business can vary greatly depending on the specific needs of the therapist.

Also actual cost is your outlay in money PLUS your time. It may be free, but depending how you value your time, it's not really free, is it.

You could end up outlaying many thousands of dollars and spending a lot of your time before you even see one Client.

If all that sounds too hard. Of course it IS for most people.

Then consider this.

My time is now split between seeing Clients and training and developing better strategies for Hypnotherapists Consultants and Councellors, both new and established, coming into the Therapy world.

This is an open invitation to all Consultants who DON'T want to do things the hard way.

I offer personal hands on guidance training knowledge and experience of over 55 years since 1967 in this area.

I am looking to duplicate myself by finding one individual from each of the countries below who is keen to learn and apply everything I can teach them.

I want to pass on all my methods and techniques to the next generation of Consultants.

If that’s you, I invite you to apply now using this form.

I am only accepting applications from these countries at present:

  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Some European countries
  • Canada
  • Some Asian countries

Remember only one individual from each country at the moment.

All details and any special conditions will be discussed with the short list of successful applicants.

I consider my knowhow is priceless, but that would make it prohibitive.

The fee is USD$5K.

I’m looking for passion enthusiasm definiteness of purpose.

For the right person this is a unique opportunity.

Ideally you should already realize that you are in the attracting business.

Not the conquering business.

For one thing, if you are chosen I will teach you how to Attract the right clients for you.

How to change your thinking to thinking of reasons why they would WANT to see you.

Because if you help them get what THEY want.

You will automatically get what YOU want.

Gregory Business Training is about building and maintaining a highly successful and profitable business in the most efficient and productive way possible.

I know absolutely what this training can do. I also know that anybody can learn my system and methods.

That's why I am very particular who I pass on this knowhow to.

Or click here for Course to Learn Gregory Hypnosis Therapy Life Coaching

Course to Learn Gregory Hypnosis Therapy Life Coaching

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but if I’m with a Client and can’t respond quickly
please leave all details and a full message
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