Gregory Hypnotherapy

Over 55 years experience

Reach your Goals

Professional and practical help to achieve your special goals.

Reach your Goals in business

Go to: Quick Start Goals - Setting and reaching them
You receive:

1. One 30 minute Zoom individual or group Live Session with me approx. on or near the 1st of each month for four months.

2. Free Membership of my Facebook Group of like minded Goal Achievers whilst you are still subscribed.

3. A personal quick email, call, What'sApp or SMS text each month to discuss your progress.

4. Free Bonus to access all my Online Programs. (spread out over the four months)

Currently these Online Programs are:

Lose Weight mp3 audio and video

Quit Smoking mp3 audio and video

Stress Relief mp3 audio and video

Improve Memory mp3 audio and video

Past Life Regression mp3 audio and video

(these Programs are all normally $30 each)

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People set various types of goals depending on their individual aspirations and circumstances.

Here are some common types of goals people go for:

✅ Personal Development Goals: These goals focus on improving oneself, such as learning a new skill, adopting healthier habits, or enhancing self-confidence.

✅ Career and Business Goals: These goals relate to professional growth, like getting a promotion, starting a business, or changing careers, becoming a certified professional.

✅ Financial Goals: These goals involve achieving financial stability, saving for a specific purpose, or becoming debt-free, saving for retirement, or buying a house, or building an emergency fund.

✅ Health and Fitness Goals: These goals revolve around physical well-being, such as losing weight, running a marathon, reducing your blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar levels, such as eating healthier, exercising more, lifting a certain amount of weight, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

✅ Relationship Goals: These goals center around building and nurturing meaningful relationships, whether it's finding a life partner, improving communication, such as getting married, having children, communicating better, improving your communication skills, resolving conflict more effectively, or spending more quality time together, or being a better friend.

✅ Academic Goals: These goals pertain to educational achievements, like earning a degree, acquiring new certifications, or improving academic performance.

✅ Travel Goals: These goals involve exploring new destinations, experiencing different cultures, such as visiting a new country, exploring a new city, or hiking a new trail or ticking off items from a travel bucket list.

✅ Personal goals: These are goals that you set for yourself, such as losing weight, learning a new language, or saving money.

✅ Professional goals: These are goals that you set for your career, such as getting a promotion, starting your own business, or becoming a certified professional.

✅ Spiritual goals: These are goals that you set for your spiritual life, such as finding a deeper meaning in life, connecting with your higher power, or practicing mindfulness.

✅ Community involvement goals: These are goals that you set for your community involvement, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or getting involved in local government.

✅ Hobbies goals: These are goals that you set for your hobbies, such as learning a new skill, mastering a new technique, or creating a masterpiece.

✅ Education goals: These are goals that you set for your education, such as getting a degree, taking a class, or reading a book.

✅ Skill development goals: These are goals that you set for developing new skills, such as learning how to code, playing an instrument, or speaking a new language.

✅ Weight loss goals: These are specific goals that you set for losing weight, such as losing 10kgs 20 kgs or 50 kgs.

✅ Retirement goals: These are goals that you set for your retirement, such as traveling the world, spending more time with family and friends, or pursuing hobbies.

✅ These are goals that you set for leaving a lasting legacy, such as making a difference in the world, helping others, or creating something that will be remembered for generations to come.

✅ Happiness goals: These are goals that you set for achieving happiness, such as finding your purpose in life, living a balanced life, or simply enjoying each day.

Why do so many people fail to reach their goals?

The main problem people face in reaching their goals in life can vary from person to person. However, some common challenges include:

Lack of personalised approach: Life coaches often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, failing to tailor their strategies to the unique needs and circumstances of their clients.

Each individual has different strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, so a personalised approach is crucial for success.

Insufficient focus on self-discovery: Effective goal achievement requires a deep understanding of oneself. Many life coaches fail to prioritise self-discovery, which involves exploring values, beliefs, strengths, and passions.

Without this self-awareness, clients may struggle to set meaningful goals aligned with their true desires.

Neglecting accountability: Holding clients accountable is essential for progress. Some life coaches fail to establish a system of accountability, which may result in clients losing motivation or falling back into old habits.

Regular check-ins, progress tracking, and goal reviews are vital to keeping clients on track.

Limited focus on mindset and limiting beliefs: A significant aspect of goal attainment is addressing limiting beliefs and cultivating a growth mindset.

Many life coaches solely focus on action plans and tactics, neglecting the internal barriers that can hinder progress.

By not addressing mindset, coaches may miss an opportunity to help clients overcome obstacles and develop resilience.

Ignoring the importance of holistic well-being: Goal achievement should not come at the expense of overall well-being. Life coaches who solely focus on external achievements may overlook the importance of mental, emotional, and physical health.

A well-rounded approach that considers all aspects of well-being is crucial for long-term success and happiness.

Lack of Clarity: Many individuals struggle with defining clear and specific goals. Without a clear vision, it becomes difficult to develop a plan and take the necessary steps towards achieving those goals.

Setting clear and specific goals is essential for success. If people are unclear about what they want to achieve or if their goals are too vague or ambiguous, it becomes challenging to create a focused plan of action.

Sometimes people set vague or unclear goals, which makes it difficult to create a clear action plan and take specific steps towards achieving them.

Lack of clarity can lead to confusion and a lack of motivation.

Lack of Motivation: Maintaining motivation over a long period of time can be challenging. People often face obstacles, setbacks, and distractions that can dampen their enthusiasm and make it difficult to stay focused on their goals.

Motivation plays a crucial role in goal attainment. If people lack the intrinsic or extrinsic motivation necessary to take action and persist through challenges, they may struggle to make progress towards their goals.

Procrastination and Lack of Discipline: is a common problem that hinders goal achievement. People often struggle with effective time management and prioritisation, leading to delays in taking action and making progress towards their goals.

Distractions, or a lack of self-discipline can derail progress towards goals. Without effective time management and self-regulation, individuals may struggle to prioritise tasks and consistently work towards their goals.

Fear of Failure or Success: can paralyse individuals and prevent them from taking risks or pursuing their goals with full commitment.

Overcoming this fear and developing a growth mindset is crucial for achieving success.

Fear can be a significant barrier to goal achievement. Fear of failure can prevent individuals from taking risks or stepping outside their comfort zone.

Similarly, fear of success can create self-doubt and anxiety about the responsibilities and changes that may come with achieving their goals.

Lack of Support: Having a support system plays a significant role in goal achievement. Without the right support, encouragement, and accountability, individuals may find it challenging to stay motivated and overcome obstacles.

The right support system or accountability partner can greatly enhance the likelihood of goal attainment.

Without support, individuals may struggle to stay motivated, stay on track, or overcome obstacles along the way.

Unrealistic Expectations: Setting unrealistic goals or expecting instant results can lead to disappointment and frustration.

It's important to set realistic and achievable goals that align with one's capabilities and resources.

Also setting overly ambitious or unrealistic goals can set people up for failure. When goals feel unattainable, individuals may become discouraged, lose motivation, or give up altogether.

Overly ambitious goals can set people up for failure. It's important to set goals that are challenging yet attainable, taking into account one's abilities, resources, and the time available.

Lack of or Poor Planning and Organisation: Goal achievement often requires careful planning and strategising.

Without a well-defined plan and actionable steps, people may feel overwhelmed or unsure of how to progress towards their goals.

Without a well-defined plan and effective organisation, it becomes difficult to prioritise tasks, allocate resources, and track progress. A lack of planning can lead to procrastination, inefficiency, and a loss of focus.

Lack of Commitment: Achieving goals often requires dedication, persistence, and consistency.

If individuals are not fully committed to their goals, they may struggle to stay motivated or make the necessary sacrifices and effort required for success.

External Obstacles and Circumstances: Sometimes, external factors beyond an individual's control can impede goal achievement.

Financial limitations, health issues, personal crises, or other unforeseen circumstances can make it challenging to stay focused and make progress.

External factors beyond an individual's control can hinder goal achievement. These obstacles may include financial limitations, lack of support or resources, societal barriers, or unforeseen circumstances.

Overcoming these obstacles often requires problem-solving skills, resilience, and adaptability.

Lack of Self-Belief and Confidence: Believing in oneself and having confidence in one's abilities are essential for goal achievement.

If individuals doubt their capabilities or have low self-esteem, they may undermine their efforts and limit their potential for success.

Lack of Adaptability and Flexibility: Sometimes, individuals become too rigid in their pursuit of a specific goal.

They may be resistant to adjusting their approach or exploring alternative paths when faced with setbacks or changing circumstances.

Being adaptable and flexible can be crucial for overcoming obstacles and finding new ways to achieve desired outcomes.

Lack of Skills or Knowledge: Sometimes, people may lack the necessary skills or knowledge required to accomplish their goals.

In such cases, seeking additional education, training, or guidance can be helpful in bridging the gap and acquiring the competencies needed for success.

Lack of Accountability and Support: Without a system of accountability and support, it can be challenging to stay on track and remain motivated.

Having someone to provide guidance, encouragement, and feedback can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving goals.

Negative Self-talk and Limiting Beliefs: Negative self-talk, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs can undermine one's confidence and belief in their ability to reach their goals.

Challenging and reframing these negative thought patterns is crucial for building self-efficacy and maintaining a positive mindset.

Lack of Persistence and Resilience: Goal attainment often requires perseverance and resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

If individuals give up easily or lack the resilience to bounce back from failures, they may struggle to make progress towards their goals.

By understanding and addressing these challenges, individuals can improve their chances of reaching their goals and leading a fulfilling life.

By addressing these barriers and employing strategies such as setting realistic goals, improving motivation, seeking support, enhancing skills, and maintaining a positive mindset, individuals can increase their chances of reaching their goals.

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